• Assalamualaikum guys. Been a while. Yup. So, lets just roll ya. I've been thinking to put this as a monthly entry, but maybe if I were too lazy to put it up, I guess...see ya in ten weeks time, haha. Here is the top 10 recently released (January 2015) Music Video dat I found on the internet. LOL. 

    I didn't arranged them in order of my likeness, I just put them as which I found first. Tho, Demi's MV, Nightingale was published last year, I still wanna put it in this list cause *reasons. Plus I just had the chance to see it earlier this evening. Enjoy the lists guys 

    :) I added the link to some other vids related to the Original one.
    1. Maroon 5 - Sugar
    Published on Jan 14, 2015

    2. Sia - Elastic Heart (featuring Shia LaBeouf and Maddie Ziegler)
    Published on Jan 7, 2015

    3. Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do
    Published on Jan 22, 2015
    (Kieron Riley) Acoustic Cover
    (Chris Brenner / Kim Leitinger) 2nd Cover

    4. Christina Perri - The Words (featuring Colin O'donoughey)
    Published on Jan 25, 2015

    5. Guy Sebastian ft Lupe Fiasco - Linger
    Published on Jan 12, 2015

    6. Demi Lovato - Nightingale
    Published on Dec 24, 2014

    7. Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song
    Published on Jan 12, 2015

    8. Avril Lavigne - Give You What You Like (OST 50 Shades Of Grey)
    Published on Jan 20, 2015

    9. G.R.L - Lighthouse (tribute to Simone Battle)
    Published on Jan 15, 2015

    10. The Weeknd - Earned It (OST 50 Shades Of Grey)

    Published on Jan 21, 2015

    p/s: the Official Music Video for The Weeknd - Earned It is a NSFW kinda vid. Watch under ur own risk. 
    p/s2: My fav on repeats are Ellie, Christina and G.R.L songs :) to die for.
  • Awal2 nak cakap, this is not an act of plagiarism nor a paid promotion utk melariskan buku beliau, tho it is a free marketing utk Mat Luthfi who had been working hard inspiring us in Malaysia. :) Thank you Mat.

    Assalamualaikum w.b.t Salam 2015. Yeah, dah tahun baru, tapi aku still kat takuk lama, (daaa, aku kat one of the oldest uni in Malaysia, bukan lama, ancient kut, haha). Anyhoo, selamat tahun baru dear readers. Sebab aku mmg suka straight to the point, here I give you, 30 winning tweets dari buku Catatan Mat Luthfi yg aku berjaya habiskan dalam masa 3 jam. #clap2 ke ada yg berjaya habiskan dalam masa kurang dari 15 minit? ok aku bagi dua #clap2 #clap2
    In case you guys tak berkesempatan utk baca buku ni, sila pergi cari dan baca, sbb rasanya mcm buku ni buku Must Read utk belia kat Malaysia ni. *memandai aku je. And these 30 tweets adalah pilihan aku sendiri. Harap maklum. P/s: Spoilers. Thank you.

    1. Nanti bila wife tengah pregnant nak bawak la dia mai Australia time winter. Biaq sejuk perut dia mengandung.
    2. Good luck adik2 yg akan menduduki SPM. Walau apa pun keputusannya nanti, abang harap adik2 tak amik architecture, k.
    3. Minta maaf tak dapat hadir ABPH tadi, ada usrah. Camtu haa.
    4. Meriah tengok parti politik lawan bendera siapa paling banyak. Macam lawan siapa paling terer buat semak, dia paling banyak undi.
    5. Different opinions don't kill, fanaticism does. Quite a lot.
    6. Kawan tanya, "You're being so progressive and idea-driven, why do you look for conservative girl?" F1 driver needs the safest seat belt.
    7. Kawan masak roti canai, dia tanya nak makan dengan apa sedap? Kari ke gula? "Dengan aku," :)
    8. Sejak harga gula naik, saya dah jarang dapat sweet dream.
    9. Yung Un tanya, naik bot haram tak? Kenapa haram? "Memabukkan". Legend.
    10. Aku doakan kawan aku yang baru berkahwin supaya cepat dikurniakan cahaya mata, dia doakan aku cepat dikurniakan cahaya. Ini biadap.
    11. Bila orang putih mengeluh, it's so freaking hot aye. Try jawab, because you guys don't pray. Lari.
    12. Lecture Paul Griffin sangat mengantuk orang insomnia masuk dengaq terus koma. Sangat mengantuk laptop automatically turns sleep mode.
    13. Perth is so hot every dog here is afraid they are turning into hotdogs.
    14. Apa orang utara cakap bila hampa tunjuk simbol darab (X) "Ini kalilah."
    15. Kalau ada junior tanya hampa, tapi depa tak faham jugak lepas hampa explain, nyanyi lagu Bruno Mars. "Ooo too young too dumb to realize..."
    16. Berapa banyak produk kecantikan yang perlu dibeli untuk jadi comel? 'Se-kak-ton'
    17. Tampal kata2 motivasi kat bilik. Study kat library.
    18. Siti Nurhaliza has reportedly earns 70k for one-hour show. Marrying Datuk K made it 71.
    19. Cucuk usb mouse. Marah printer tak print.
    20. Tulisan aku lebih hodoh daripada cakar ayam. Dulu aku pernah tulis atas pasir, ayam datang dan kuis2 tulisan tu. Takut ada orang ingat tu dia punya.
    21. Kalau hampa tweet semua benda yang hampa pikiaq, nanti one day server Twitter goes down, hampa tak mampu lagi pikiaq.
    22. I'm not a person who has the most knowledge, but I try to make the most of the little tiny knowledge that I have.
    23. Kalau ada pilihan raya DUN Youtube, sudah tentulah saya dan Anwar Hadi kalah, pasai kami ada video atas katil bersama.
    24. Some people won't allow you to speak because they know you won't lie and they can't handle the truth.
    25. Pasaipa PAS memperkudakan DAP dan PKR? Sebab berkuda Sunnah.
    26. Have you read the news? They have added another one to the Seven Wonders of the World. Malaysia Election.
    27. Truth seekers are amazing. They don't need any particular groups to know each other. They'll somehow meet along the way.
    28. Dato' memang la tak kisah harga gula naik, sebab Dato' ada tanam tebu di pinggir bibir.
    29. If you can't share your love, keep your hatred.
    30. To love dearly, is to love moderately.

    Ada byk moral dan pengajaran *bukan sama ke tu? Buku ni mmg pack la dgn dua benda ni, just mesej dia tu ada yg straight to the point, ada yg korang kena gali dalam sikit ha, membudayakan pemikiran kritis dan kreatif #gituh. If you ask me, aku akan cakap, tweet yg paling win bagi aku ialah nombor 30 :)