Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh. Bismillah.
So, semalam 16 Oktober 2013 (Rabu) ialah hari yang istimewa utk org yg istimewa dalam hidup aku. Plus, semalam jugak merupakan hari yg agak chaotic utk kitorang satu family. Sebelum aku citer pasal yesterday being the special day for the special someone of mine, biar aku citer apa yg chaotic tu dulu ok.
Around 2.30 in the evening, my abah got a call from my cousin, saying dat Opah was unconscious and she won't respond to people calling out her name. So, kat situ je dah agak panik. Abah dgn mak and me, sprinted ke rumah Opah *literally, cause rumah Opah lorong depan je. Time sampai tu, bila tengok condition Opah yang menggigil kesejukkan, plus her whole body macam cramped, risau jugak. My parents tried urut sikit2, then Abah suruh Kak Farah dtg rumah Opah. *my Kak Farah studied Allied Health & Nursing course. :) Lucky we have her around.
My cousins got back home, she had to take Emergency Leave, bolted into the house, duduk sebelah Opah, panggil nama Opah multiple times, terus menangis sebelah Opah, ouh...dat girl, she's just my cousin. Emosi seorang perempuan. (==') totally understand. While waiting for Mak Su's arrival, Kak Farah yang datang terus buat first-aid check up. Loosen Opah's cloths, cek nadi, lap2 badan Opah, n stuff nurses do a lot. Kitorang yg lain ni jot down notes dlm otak je, supaya lebih peka next time around.
Long story short, some nursing job were done by Kak Farah, my cousin and I. Opah regain consciousness shortly after, and I sat down utk tengok Opah betul2 recover selepas she literally just let everything out *yknowwadaimean. It was heart-breaking jugak tengok Opah cramped all over, tak sahut org panggil etc, sbb it never happen before.
All n all, everything went fine, thanks to my Kak Farah, she's outsmart all of us dlm hal2 mcm ni, which I respect her to the max, sbb dia je yg akan letak LOGIC first, then bertindak mengikut arahan bila semua org dah panik, I don't say semua orang panik in this case, everyone loses their mind, NO!, kitorang cuma tak tahu nak buat apa dulu, how and what, and what and how.
So, pengajarannya utk korang2 kat luar sana, if y'guys didn't happen to have any nurse around, or any of ur family members yg take nursing course/med/anything yg berkaitan dgn allied health, DO A LOT OF READING berkaitan first-aid yg practically, korang boleh buat sendiri time nobody's around. Mcm, check nadi, breathing/choking, basic bandage/asas balutan, CPR! Penting hokay! Jgn nak duk pk comolot orang je keje, and lot of other basic stuff. At least, korang boleh cegah beberapa isu serius sebelum jadi serius. Fikir secara bijak ya kawan2. :)
Baiklah, done with dat. Sorrylah korang kena dengar aku membebel pasal THE NEED TO LEARN BASIC OF FIRST-AID. Oritey..movin on. Tentang dat special someone. :)
Orang itu ialah MAK SAYA! And the very yesterday was HER BIRTHDAY! hehe..
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Ajar saya senyum, ajar saya sayang, ajar saya rindu, ajar saya cinta. Ajar saya hidup, ajar saya Islam, ajar saya jadi Anasyg ;) |
So, aku ada update satu status kat fb late morning semalam, of how grateful I am to have her as my mother. Loving2 mother. Sekarang, nak bebel panjang2 lagi kat blog. Cause y'know, blog can hold a lot more words than fb's status.
Aku dah pernah tulis acknowledgement letter to both my parents, tapi itu fasal my study, ini khas untuk birthday my Mom. Twas her 61st birthday, woot2. As I said before, and I'm just gonna keep saying it, SHE IS BY FAR THE MOST (*put any compliments here) THAT I'VE EVER MET. THE MOST LOVABLE, THE MOST PERFECT, THE MOST PATIENCE, THE MOST YOU NAME IT. hehe..
Mak has been our Mak for 61 years now, she taught us every single life lesson that she can share. How to cook, how to sew, how to wash, how to make things, fix things, and tonnes and dozens of things yg tak tersenarai dek jemariku yang comel ni, sbb tak terbilang. :) I have six siblings with me, and each of us have our own favorite dishes, and of course my abah pun ada his favorite food. Nonetheless, mak pandai masak semua makanan kegemaran kitorang. sob2 terharu. I'm still improving my cooking skill, my Kak Yan is good at baking, my Kak Farah is best with veges, her forte agaknya, and the guys...err, lalala. *lari xnk jawab soalan.
Nolah, my Abg Mie pandai masakan Western, and err, my Along suka sambal udang, and my Angah suka sambal sotong. Does dat count? Kah2. Anyhoo, itu bab makanan lah. My mom mmg capable of doing anything. I mean, mak sapa yg tak kan? Everyone pun akan bragged bout their mother can do everything, OFKOSH! Itu mak kita rite? Siapa yg xnak menangkan mak sendiri? *no offense.
Some moments yg aku still semat elok2 dalam lipatan memori aku, macam time merajuk dgn mak dulu, how she grounded all four of us *my two sisters and my brother, sbb main hujan kat luar, her first major operation, yup she underwent a full Orthopedic operation sbb her backbone was found crack after an incident. Aku tak berapa ingat cause I was in my darjah 3 or younger, but all I remembered was, at dat time Abah was in his most vulnerable time, pity him sbb kitorang masing2 pun kecik chenonet lagi, hingusan tak pandai satu hape pun lagi. Oh, and the memories of how she fed me my meals :) btau aku sape yg tak pernah kena suap ngan mak dia time kecik2 dulu? Who? Who?
Siapa ingat lagu Yusof Islam, My Mother. Dalam lagu tu je, dah ada description of a very special woman named Mother. Here I quote some from the lyrics, which I felt so close to heart.
Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
Comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?
That's right no other
My mother
Ucapan: Mak, saya sentiasa doakan mak dan abah dilindungi di bawah rahmat Allah s.w.t. Semoga Allah ampunkan segala dosa kalian, kurniakan syurga terindah untuk kalian, dan semoga kalian panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
Therefore, Puan Rosnah bt Mohd Syariff, here's for the past 61 years you've been amazing, and for the next 61 years you will always be our one and only Rosnah bt Mohd Syariff. :') Terima kasih kerana sudi jadi mak kami selama ini. Syukran Jazilan Ya Ummi.
2 comments → Untuk 61 Tahun Lepas & 61 Tahun Akan Datang
so sweet....hati yang ikhlas,
@Muhammad Khairuddin Lim: Terima kasih :)
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